Monday, April 28, 2014

Prayer in Church

Does your church ask for people who want to be prayed for to come forward? If your church is lead by the Holy Spirit, perhaps more is going on that you know. A friend of mine, Alan, had this experience one Sunday:

At the church my wife and I had been attending, at the end of the service, all of the church leaders, including myself, prayed for anyone in the congregation that stepped forward. In that prayer time I saw a dark aura over a certain gentleman. I asked for help praying  over him and the prayer took the wind out of me. I was filled with the Spirit and knew something was not right. I felt his horror and dismay from years ago that led to his arrival at our church this day. After my prayer, my wife is certain she saw the dark presence leave his body.

I then pulled the young man out of ear range of the congregation to speak privately with him. I revealed to him that I felt his problem and asked him what happened when he was about this height (gesturing with my hand at about two years of age)?  He said he didn’t want to discuss it, but his face showed awe and fear. 

I asked, “What happened when you were about six?”

He looked shocked and said, once again that he didn’t wish to discuss it.

Then I asked him, “Is this something you hold close to your heart?”

He replied, “It’s something that I will never forget.”

I told him that there were people he could talk to, but he was convinced he could deal with it by himself.

“How did you know so much about me? I don’t believe we have ever met before today.”

I simply told him the truth, “The Holy Spirit spoke to me as I prayed over you.”

I offered to pray for him before he left. He accepted. I asked him to repeat after me as we prayed together for strength, protection, and release, as we asked the Holy Spirit for mercy and grace.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Hardy Family Under Attack

In February of 2014, I completed the final chapter of Angels Believe in You and waited for responses from my first readers. February has always been a busy month at the Hardy house. Valentine’s Day, my birthday, and our anniversary happen within the shortest month of the year. The devil and his minions must not be happy about this book because this was the worst February I can recall:

Tony didn’t make reservations on Valentine’s Day; we ended up celebrating with our girls, Ashley and Sarah by going to the movies. For my birthday, Tony took me to an extremely nice restaurant in Downtown Boise, but the scallops I ordered gave me food poisoning. By the time our anniversary rolled around on the 29th, I was determined to do everything I could to make sure this string of special occasions ended better than it started. Unfortunately, however, Tony didn’t get the memo.

My beloved husband didn’t get me so much as a card for our eighteen-year anniversary; I was very hurt. I spent two days trying to get over the disappointments of the entire month.

Ashley, our oldest, had finally gotten the mild flu that had run its course through the family. With the stuffy nose and sore throat, she also got a horrendous cough. By Saturday, she was coughing with almost every breath. On Sunday night, she coughed so hard that she threw up. Tony and I crawled into bed, hearing her coughing through the vent, which connected both our rooms.

I had avoided him all day. Now I broached the topic of the missed anniversary, “Honey, I realize Valentine’s Day and wedding anniversary celebrations were probably created by women who needed some romance in their life. It is what women crave. After all,” I said, “romance books sell more copies than any other genre. But you picked February 29th as our wedding day because you said it was the one date you could never forget. However, this is the first time you have and I am deeply hurt.” I wasn’t quite finished. “As sick as I was, I still managed to get you a card and a box of your favorite chocolates on Friday.

“I know this has been a heck of a year for you: the constant pain of therapy is wearing on you,” I said. Between that and actually getting sick, well, you messed up. I know you love me – that is apparent in all that you do every day. So we missed the days the world tells us to celebrate on. I’m ready to put this entire month behind us.”

Tony hugged me. “I am really sorry. I kept thinking I needed to get something,” he said. “There just never seemed to be a good time.”

“Maybe next year, don’t wait for the last minute?” I suggested.

We got comfortable. The sounds of Ashley coughing made sleep elusive for both of us. At one o’clock in the morning Tony got up to check on her.

The Holy Spirit urged me to pray in faith for Ashley to be healed. “Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ name I ask that you heal Ashley so that she can rest tonight.”

The coughing didn’t even pause. “What the heck, Lord?” I asked, “You said to pray and I did.”
The whisper of the Holy Spirit was clear in my mind, “The cough is due to the sickness.”

I thought about the last few days: Today, most of Ashley’s symptoms were gone. She was playing with Sarah and seemed much more alert. Yet her cough seemed to worsen.

“Satan, in Jesus’ name, you take your hands off my child,” I commanded. “She is redeemed by the blood; you have no right to touch her!”

I remembered what Creflo Dollar had said on the broadcast we had watched earlier, “Praise not only demonstrates that you believe you receive something, it also helps to increase your faith. When you start praising God, it makes demons around you very uncomfortable. They know their time is short.”

“I thank you God for sending Jesus to us, for the life he lived and the blood he shed. I praise you Lord for the stories we have about Job which show us how powerful that blood is.” I said, meaning every word.
Tony was coming down the stairs as the coughing eased. The next few coughs were wimpy, sounding forced. The Holy Spirit reassured me, “She is healed and the cough is gone but her throat is raw so she thinks she needs to cough.”

“Ashley will be fine,” I told Tony, as he got comfortable. “I prayed for her. She won’t cough anymore tonight.”

“I prayed for her, twice today,” said the same man who didn’t want my parents to bring a Bible into his house. “Why didn’t it work when I asked?”

“Ashley didn’t stop coughing when I prayed either,” I said, “So I asked the Lord what was up. I’ve had years of practice listening to the Holy Spirit. He told me it was an attack of the enemy. I had to rebuke the demons so she could stop coughing.”

Tony didn’t say anything. He’s still getting used to the fact that there is a spiritual battle going on around us that we can’t see. “Next time we should pray together. It will make our prayers more powerful.” I said.

“Jesus sent out the disciples in groups of two. Also the Word says that where two are joined in agreement in faith, what they ask shall be done for them.”

Tony agreed, “The next time we will pray together.” God is working on him, I thought. My husband is now looking to God for answers and teaching our kids to do the same. If you ask me, this is a bigger miracle than Tony’s hand being healed. Softening a man’s heart? Only God can do that.

The next morning I told Ashley that her cough had been an attack of the enemy, but I had taken care of it last night. She said, “The last time when Dad came up, it was really weird. Right when he left, my throat felt different. There was a tickle in it, so I tried to cough it up, but the cough came out all wimpy. After a few tries, I gave up and went to sleep.”

The moment I came against the enemy in the name of Jesus, the cough was gone, even though she didn’t know why. The Holy Spirit was right. Her throat was a little raw and she was trying to clear it.

Everything that has happened since I launched To Heaven and Back Again has convinced me that God’s timing will be perfect. I will take my life one day at a time until he either corrects me or takes me. Until then, united the Hardy family will not only survive but thrive as we continue on the journey of life, together with God as our guide.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Noah - 2014: Satan's Side of the Story

Noah – 2014

Satan’s Side of the Story

In almost every conflict, there are two sides who think they are justified in their actions. For those of us who are Christians, God’s side of the story can be found in the Bible. Have you ever wondered what Lucifer, the Arch Angel, that Old Dragon, Satan himself, would say about what occurred in the Garden of Eden and the years following? Wonder no longer. Hollywood brings to you Satan’s side of the story in the 2014 movie Noah.

A certain amount of discrepancy can be expected when Hollywood puts out a movie that is based on a book. I went to the show on opening weekend expecting it not to be biblically accurate. I was not disappointed. Of course there were changes to the storyline to make it more suitable for the big screen:

Noah's family as the ark leaves

  • It took 10 years to build the ark – In the Bible it was 100.
  • Noah’s father died when he was a young boy – According to Genesis, Lamech lived 595 years after Noah was born.
  • Noah’s children were still kids when the ark was built – Weren’t they grown men with wives (yes, the wives went on the ark, too)?
  • No one, not Noah nor Cain’s descendants, could talk to God – He was an absentee parent. The Bible tells us that Noah walked with and fellowshipped with God.
  • Noah didn’t gather food for his family and the animals for the journey. Instead he used incense to put the animals into a deep sleep…for nine months! (I’d like to know how they survived without an IV!)

I could see that changing these things helped make the movie more relatable to a modern day audience and it also increased the drama. What surprised me was that I could list the things that were Biblically accurate on one hand:

  1. Adam and Eve ate from a forbidden tree causing the ground to be cursed as they were kicked out of the garden.
  2. Noah and his wife with their three sons built an ark to hold two of every creature.
  3. God flooded the Earth because of the wickedness of man – only Noah, his family, and the animals survived.
  4. Noah made wine and got drunk when the ark landed.

That’s it. Nothing else was according to the Word of God. Leave it to Hollywood to let someone write the screenplay that had only heard Bible stories as a kid and didn’t know anything else about God. What added fuel to the flames were the other things added to the story.

I can clearly picture that Old Dragon whispering in someone’s ear, dictating how the story should be told.
Watcher - Fallen Angel

Satan’s Side of the Story:

When God threw man out of the garden and cursed the ground, it was a cruel fate. A group of angels took
pity on man and came to earth to help. Because these angels acted against God’s will, they were cursed (they looked like giant rock monsters). These fallen angels were called Watchers. These Watchers tried to help man, but because of man’s greedy, evil nature, we destroyed the earth.

The Truth:

This is a joke, right? Fallen angels are here to help man? The Bible tells us that when God created man, Lucifer, the most beautiful of all God’s angels, was not happy. Because we were called God’s children, it put us above the angels in the chain of command. Angles are servants, we are heirs. That means they would have to bow to us as they did to God.

“What is man that you are mindful of him?” Satan asked. “I could be as a god to him!” According to scripture, Satan rallied angels to him and headed for Earth to prove his point:

“When men began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were fair, and they took wives of all they desired and chose...  There were giants on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God (angels) lived with the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown. (Genesis 6:6)

Do these creatures look like something that could "mate" with a woman? Fallen angels are demons. They are not here to help us. They are here to prove they should rule us.

The Snake shedding it's skin in the Garden.
Satan’s side of the story:

Knowledge is passed down from the descendants of Adam and Eve by wrapping the skin of the snake
around the hand and up the arm to the bicep. The skin glows as the elder taps the younger on the forehead. The movie is very clear: this is the very same snake that convinced Eve to bite that apple.

The Truth:

Talk about vain! That crafty Old Dragon is trying to take credit for knowledge handed down through the ages. The skin of the snake that caused man to be cursed is being portrayed as the ultimate blessing!

The only skins mentioned in connection with Adam and Eve are from the sacrificed animal that God used to cover them. This is the first animal sacrifice. Later, through the story of Cain and Able, we learn that God has instructed mankind to offer an animal sacrifice so that He can fellowship with us. This is a foreshadowing of the last sacrifice, Jesus.
Barren Girl

Satan’s side of the story:

Witnessing the corruption of man, Noah decides that man is too sinful to exist in the new world God is building. Since the only girl, besides his wife, that God is sending on the ark is barren, surely He intends for Noah and his descendants to be the last men on Earth. After mankind is destroyed and they are living on the ark, Noah discovers that Seth’s girlfriend has been blessed by Methuselah; she is with child.

Noah pronounces that if the child is a girl, he will kill it – that is God’s will.

The Truth:

Since when does God condone child sacrifice? God loves children. They even made up a song about it:

Jesus loves the little children,
All the children of the world,
Red, yellow, black and white,
They are precious in his sight,
Jesus loves the little children of the world.

Jesus was God on Earth; we know God loves children. He would never ask that one be sacrificed!

People actually got up and left the theater at this point. Is it any wonder that the Pope wouldn't see Russel
Crow? This movie wasn’t just inaccurate, it was downright blasphemous.

Yes, this is for entertainment, but it is about someone we love. I do hope you will help spread the word about this film so that it will leave the theaters in record time. DO NOT PROTEST! That just gives them the attention they want! Instead, let others know what this movie is really about.

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Saturday, January 4, 2014

Walk with me, To Heaven and Back Again

My body sinks into the mattress as the warmth of the covers surrounds me. Whispered nightly prayers turn into a conversation, a bit one-sided, but I fully trust the Holy Spirit to lead me as I silently ponder the recent wisdom given through various teaching and testimonies. For now, all that I will say is that my life has been filled with miracles and visions, straight from the Book of Acts. Over the last few months, I had been reading much about people who have traveled to Heaven.

Two thoughts occur to me:

The first was, “Lord, many people who have gone to Heaven and returned have tried to reveal your glory, grace, and love to the world. However, all the accounts I have read say “I am not a writer, but… or something to that account. Lord, you know that I am a writer. People have always told me that I have a way of bringing a story to life, of taking them with me to another world. How great would it be if I were to go to Heaven so that I can take people with me to Heaven through my writing – led and guided by Your Spirit, of course?”

And then quickly, “God, Your Word says that you are not a respecter of persons – meaning that what you do for one you will do for another because You see each of us as You see Your perfect Son, Jesus. I know of two people that you took to heaven and returned to Earth who were not close to death. You have fully convinced me that their accounts are true. Since You took them, I know you can take me to Heaven and back to Earth.”

The Holy Spirit falls heavily upon me, my hands tingle almost all the way to my shoulders – even my feet tingle. He encourages me to speak in faith, “I thank you God for taking me to heaven and back again so that I can write of Your glory, Your grace, and Your great Love. I thank You that as I return, my face will shine with Your glory, as did Moses’ and, more recently, Jesse Duplantis, to give witness to the world that I am Your ambassador, that I have been To Heaven and Back Again. I ask this in Jesus' Name, amen.”

Faith in Action

A few days later a website was created (more of a blog that people can follow for updates as chapters are finished):

A week after that, I wrote this prologue and published it online.

“Lord I trust that You will correct me strongly and loudly if this is not Your will, but until then, I cannot help but to stand in faith, waiting for You to take me To Heaven and Back Again.”

To Heaven and Back Again is available on Amazon Kindle. I decided to publish this book one chapter at a time, starting with the prologue. As soon as the next chapter is complete, I will update the kindle book and post about it here. This will allow readers who want to know more about heaven, to get the story as it is written.

Once you buy the book you will have access each chapter that is added. You can refresh your kindle list and the latest chapters will be automatically uploaded onto your kindle. 

A final, edited version, will be published when all the chapters are complete - if you buy the Kindle book at any time, you will have access to this final version.

Subscribe with one of the many options on the right if you want to be notified about the blog posts and any developments with To Heaven and Back Again.

Click Here to begin the journey To Heaven and Back Again on Amazon Kindle.

The story of how I came to such a radical place in faith can be found inside the pages of Angels Believe in You.