Saturday, January 4, 2014

Walk with me, To Heaven and Back Again

My body sinks into the mattress as the warmth of the covers surrounds me. Whispered nightly prayers turn into a conversation, a bit one-sided, but I fully trust the Holy Spirit to lead me as I silently ponder the recent wisdom given through various teaching and testimonies. For now, all that I will say is that my life has been filled with miracles and visions, straight from the Book of Acts. Over the last few months, I had been reading much about people who have traveled to Heaven.

Two thoughts occur to me:

The first was, “Lord, many people who have gone to Heaven and returned have tried to reveal your glory, grace, and love to the world. However, all the accounts I have read say “I am not a writer, but… or something to that account. Lord, you know that I am a writer. People have always told me that I have a way of bringing a story to life, of taking them with me to another world. How great would it be if I were to go to Heaven so that I can take people with me to Heaven through my writing – led and guided by Your Spirit, of course?”

And then quickly, “God, Your Word says that you are not a respecter of persons – meaning that what you do for one you will do for another because You see each of us as You see Your perfect Son, Jesus. I know of two people that you took to heaven and returned to Earth who were not close to death. You have fully convinced me that their accounts are true. Since You took them, I know you can take me to Heaven and back to Earth.”

The Holy Spirit falls heavily upon me, my hands tingle almost all the way to my shoulders – even my feet tingle. He encourages me to speak in faith, “I thank you God for taking me to heaven and back again so that I can write of Your glory, Your grace, and Your great Love. I thank You that as I return, my face will shine with Your glory, as did Moses’ and, more recently, Jesse Duplantis, to give witness to the world that I am Your ambassador, that I have been To Heaven and Back Again. I ask this in Jesus' Name, amen.”

Faith in Action

A few days later a website was created (more of a blog that people can follow for updates as chapters are finished):

A week after that, I wrote this prologue and published it online.

“Lord I trust that You will correct me strongly and loudly if this is not Your will, but until then, I cannot help but to stand in faith, waiting for You to take me To Heaven and Back Again.”

To Heaven and Back Again is available on Amazon Kindle. I decided to publish this book one chapter at a time, starting with the prologue. As soon as the next chapter is complete, I will update the kindle book and post about it here. This will allow readers who want to know more about heaven, to get the story as it is written.

Once you buy the book you will have access each chapter that is added. You can refresh your kindle list and the latest chapters will be automatically uploaded onto your kindle. 

A final, edited version, will be published when all the chapters are complete - if you buy the Kindle book at any time, you will have access to this final version.

Subscribe with one of the many options on the right if you want to be notified about the blog posts and any developments with To Heaven and Back Again.

Click Here to begin the journey To Heaven and Back Again on Amazon Kindle.

The story of how I came to such a radical place in faith can be found inside the pages of Angels Believe in You.

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